How does order delivery status work?

Order delivery status

For many shippers, it is possible to import a shipment’s status as the order status. Every shipper has their own list of possible statuses. Every shipper status is linked to an order status.

There are two ways to retrieve this status information. The shipper can send the status to Monta or Monta can retrieve the status from the shipper. When using the second option (Monta retrieves the status from the shipper), it is important to avoid retrieving the status of an order over and over again. We will therefore stop retrieving an order’s status once we have retrieved the status DeliveryFailed, Delivered or Collected. Sometimes, an order is stuck on the status EnRoute or AvailablePickup. To resolve this issue, orders that have had the status EnRoute for 14 days or AvailablePickup for 30 days are set to ‘Delivered (?)‘.